system environment/libraries
- apr - Apache Portable Runtime library
- coreutils-libs - Libraries for coreutils
- cups-libs - Common Unix Printing System - libraries
- dbus - D-BUS message bus
- device-mapper-event-libs - Device-mapper event daemon shared library
- device-mapper-libs - Device-mapper shared library
- device-mapper-multipath-libs - The device-mapper-multipath modules and shared library
- freetype - A free and portable font rendering engine
- glib2 - A library of handy utility functions
- glibc - The GNU libc libraries
- gmp - A GNU arbitrary precision library
- gnutls - A TLS protocol implementation
- jasper-libs - Runtime libraries for jasper
- libX11 - Core X11 protocol client library
- libX11-common - Common data for libX11
- libacl - Dynamic library for access control list support
- libgcc - GCC version 4.4 shared support library
- libnih - Lightweight application development library
- libreport - Generic library for reporting various problems
- libreport-compat - libreport's compat layer for obsoleted 'report' package
- libreport-plugin-bugzilla - libreport's bugzilla plugin
- libreport-plugin-logger - libreport's logger reporter plugin
- libreport-plugin-reportuploader - libreport's reportuploader plugin
- libreport-plugin-rhtsupport - libreport's RHTSupport plugin
- libreport-python - Python bindings for report-libs
- libssh2 - A library implementing the SSH2 protocol
- libstdc++ - GNU Standard C++ Library
- libtirpc - Transport Independent RPC Library
- libudev - Dynamic library to access udev device information
- lvm2-libs - Shared libraries for lvm2
- nspr - Netscape Portable Runtime
- nss - Network Security Services
- nss-softokn - Network Security Services Softoken Module
- nss-util - Network Security Services Utilities Library
- openssl - A general purpose cryptography library with TLS implementation
- polkit - PolicyKit Authorization Framework
- sg3_utils-libs - Shared library for sg3_utils