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system environment/base
GConf2 -
A process-transparent configuration system
NetworkManager -
Network connection manager and user applications
acl -
Access control list utilities
avahi-autoipd -
Link-local IPv4 address automatic configuration daemon (IPv4LL)
avahi-glib -
Glib libraries for avahi
biosdevname -
Udev helper for naming devices per BIOS names
ca-certificates -
The Mozilla CA root certificate bundle
centos-release -
CentOS release file
chkconfig -
A system tool for maintaining the /etc/rc*.d hierarchy
coreutils -
A set of basic GNU tools commonly used in shell scripts
createrepo -
Creates a common metadata repository
cronie -
Cron daemon for executing programs at set times
cronie-anacron -
Utility for running regular jobs
device-mapper -
Device mapper utility
device-mapper-event -
Device-mapper event daemon
device-mapper-multipath -
Tools to manage multipath devices using device-mapper
device-mapper-persistent-data -
Device-mapper Persistent Data Tools
dhclient -
Provides the dhclient ISC DHCP client daemon and dhclient-script
dhcp-common -
Common files used by ISC dhcp client and server
dmidecode -
Tool to analyse BIOS DMI data
dracut -
Initramfs generator using udev
dracut-kernel -
Metapackage to build generic initramfs with dracut with only kernel modules
e2fsprogs -
Utilities for managing ext2, ext3, and ext4 filesystems
efibootmgr -
EFI Boot Manager
glibc-common -
Common binaries and locale data for glibc
grub -
Grand Unified Boot Loader.
hwdata -
Hardware identification and configuration data
initscripts -
The inittab file and the /etc/init.d scripts
irqbalance -
IRQ balancing daemon
kpartx -
Partition device manager for device-mapper devices
logrotate -
Rotates, compresses, removes and mails system log files
lvm2 -
Userland logical volume management tools
man -
A set of documentation tools: man, apropos and whatis
mdadm -
The mdadm program controls Linux md devices (software RAID arrays)
microcode_ctl -
Tool to update x86/x86-64 CPU microcode.
net-tools -
Basic networking tools
nss-pam-ldapd -
An nsswitch module which uses directory servers
nss-softokn-freebl -
Freebl library for the Network Security Services
nss-sysinit -
System NSS Initialization
nss-tools -
Tools for the Network Security Services
ntfs-3g -
Linux NTFS userspace driver
pam -
An extensible library which provides authentication for applications
plymouth -
Graphical Boot Animation and Logger
policycoreutils -
SELinux policy core utilities
rdma -
Infiniband/iWARP Kernel Module Initializer
rpm -
The RPM package management system
selinux-policy -
SELinux policy configuration
selinux-policy-targeted -
SELinux targeted base policy
setup -
A set of system configuration and setup files
shadow-utils -
Utilities for managing accounts and shadow password files
smartmontools -
Tools for monitoring SMART capable hard disks
tmpwatch -
A utility for removing files based on when they were last accessed
tzdata -
Timezone data
udev -
A userspace implementation of devfs
upstart -
An event-driven init system
util-linux-ng -
A collection of basic system utilities
wpa_supplicant -
WPA/WPA2/IEEE 802.1X Supplicant
xfsprogs -
Utilities for managing the XFS filesystem
yum -
RPM package installer/updater/manager
yum-plugin-fastestmirror -
Yum plugin which chooses fastest repository from a mirrorlist