How to patch a SME Server rpm

Copyright © Darrell May <>
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.
Last updated: 2/15/2004 8:58 AM

SME Server release supported: all
Problem:  You need to update a SME Server rpm
Solution:  Follow this Howto and patch it!

Contributors:  Charlie Brady and the authors of the following documents:
How to build a contrib
How to make a minor revision to an existing RPM
How to build yourself an SME Server interface RPM
A Beginners Guide to Rolling Your Own RPMs for SME Server
Maximum RPM - Taking the Red Hat Package Manager to the Limit

RPM Naming Convention

Examples of e-smith core rpms following recommend e-smith naming convention and releaseID tag below:


Examples of community contributed rpms following the recommended smeserver naming convention and releaseID tag below:




STEP 1: Via the server-manager create an unprivileged user named rpmmaker.  Be sure to set a password for this user.

STEP 2:  Now you will need to give this user a shell to work with. This requires root console login.

# login root

Password: xxxxxxxx

Welcome to the Mitel Networks SME Server.


[root@test root]# chsh -s /bin/bash rpmmaker

Changing shell for rpmmaker.

Shell changed.

STEP 3:  Login as the new user:

[root@test root]# login rpmmaker

Password: xxxxxxxx

Welcome to the Mitel Networks SME Server.

STEP 4:  Note the home directory:

bash-2.05a$ pwd


STEP 5:  Now we need to set up an RPM sandbox within this user's space.

bash-2.05a$ mkdir -p $HOME/rpms/{SRPMS,BUILD,SPECS,SOURCES,RPMS,lib}

bash-2.05a$ mkdir -p $HOME/rpms/RPMS/{i386,noarch}

bash-2.05a$ echo "%_topdir $HOME/rpms" > $HOME/.rpmmacros

STEP 6:  Download and install the srpm you wish to revise.  In this example we will use e-smith-email-4.14.0-06.src.rpm.

bash-2.05a$ cd $HOME/rpms


bash-2.05a$ rpm -Uvh e-smith-email-4.14.0-06.src.rpm

   1:e-smith-email  ################################## [100%]

STEP 7:  Note the name of the spec file:

bash-2.05a$ ls -1 $HOME/rpms/SPECS


STEP 8: Create a pristine copy of the BUILD source including all patches to 'revise':

bash-2.05a$ rpmbuild -bp $HOME/rpms/SPECS/e-smith-email-4.14.0.spec

STEP 9: Note the name of the BUILD source:

bash-2.05a$ ls -1 $HOME/rpms/BUILD


STEP 10: Change the name to your new release (-07 in this example)

bash-2.05a$ mv $HOME/rpms/BUILD/e-smith-email-4.14.0 $HOME/rpms/BUILD/e-smith-email-4.14.0-07

STEP 11: Create a pristine copy of the BUILD source including all patches to 'reference':

bash-2.05a$ rpmbuild -bp $HOME/rpms/SPECS/e-smith-email-4.14.0.spec

STEP 12: Edit the BUILD you wish to revise

bash-2.05a$ cd $HOME/rpms/BUILD/e-smith-email-4.14.0-07

bash-2.05a$ mc …and off you go!

STEP 13: Create your patch showing the differences between the original and your revision:

bash-2.05a$ cd $HOME/rpms/BUILD

bash-2.05a$ diff -ruN e-smith-email-4.14.{0,0-07} > $HOME/rpms/SOURCES/e-smith-email-4.14.0-07.ID_patch


General Note: diff command options:

-r = Recursively compare any subdirectories found.

-u = Output NUM (default 2) lines of unified context.

-N = Treat absent files as empty.

ID = your identity, such as personal or company initials

STEP 14: Edit the spec file.  In this example:

bash-2.05a$ cd $HOME/rpms/SPECS

bash-2.05a$ chmod 660 e-smith-email-4.14.0.spec

bash-2.05a$ pico e-smith-email-4.14.0.spec


%define release 07


Patch4: e-smith-email-4.14.0-07.dmay_patch



* Tue Jan 27 2004 Darrell May <>

- [4.14.0-07]

- BugFix /etc/e-smith/db/accounts/defaults/everyone/Visible



%patch4 -p1


General Note:

Add "PatchN: smeserver-package-x.x.x-x.ID_patch" to the header

Add "%patchN -p1" to the %prep section

(where 'N' is the next small integer)

(where 'ID' references who you are, work for or represent)

STEP 15: Build the new release:

bash-2.05a$ rpmbuild -ba e-smith-email-4.14.0.spec

STEP 16: Test internally and when ready release the rpm/src to the community test repository.


Appendix – A: .spec file notes


# This is a revision of:



# This is an example spec file for SME Server rpm building.


# The Summary line is a single line description of the module. 

Summary: PackageName for SME Server


# anything starting with a % sign is a command that is interpreted by

# the RPM program.  Using % commands we can set values and use them

# again later.


# here we define a base name for the module, which will get used in

# various places.  This makes life easier for us because we only ever

# have to change the name once, rather than every time it appears in the

# spec file


# usually we name non-e-smith-specific software with whatever its normal

# name is. If we were doing the SME Server specific bits in a separate RPM,

# we'd probably call it smeserver-PackageName


%define name smeserver-PackageName


# now you'll see how we refer to a value we've set previously.  If we

# did "%define foo bar" we can use "%{foo}" to insert "bar" in that

# place.


Name: %{name}


# and some more of the same with version and release numbers.


%define version 1.0.0

%define release 02

Version: %{version}

Release: %{release}


# The copyright should be "GPL" for any contrib module you hope to

# make available for other SME Server users

Copyright: GPL


# The Group should indicate the type of application you're packaging.

# It is used to group RPMs logically in various user interfaces.

# You can find a list of groups by looking at your current installed rpm

# package documentation: /usr/share/doc/rpm-x.x.x/GROUPS

Group: Networking/Daemons


# This is the name of the source file to use.  Notice how we generate it

# based on the name and version we set earlier?

Source: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz


# If you are using patch files, put some statements to define the

# patch levels.  You may wish to use the format:

# PatchN: %{name}-%{version}-%{release}.identity_patch

# where 'N' is the next small integer

# where 'identity' references who you are, work for or represent.

# This could be your abreviated companyname or personal initials.


Patch0: smeserver-PackageName-1.0.0-02.dtm_patch


# The Packager is the name and email address of the person who packaged

# this software for SME Server, who may be a different person to the one

# who originally wrote it.

Packager: Fred Foonly <>


# Where to do the work of building the RPMs.  This should be a temporary

# directory unique to this package, hence we use the name, version and

# release values we set earlier to make up the directory name

BuildRoot: /var/tmp/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot


# What architectures do we want to build this for?  Use "i386" if your

# software is compiled, or "noarch" if it will run on any platform

# without compiling.  Examples of the latter include software written in

# Perl and many web applications.  Most SME Server management RPMs should

# be "noarch"

BuildArchitectures: noarch


# What software is required to build the RPM?  This lets the RPM program

# figure out whether it will be able to build the RPM successfully.

# You can either specify just the name of the software (eg "perl") or

# specify a minimum version ("smeserver-devtools >= 0.1-3" means that this

# software requires the package smeserver-devtools version 0.1-3 or higher

# to run correctly.

BuildRequires: smeserver-devtools >= 0.1-3


# What software is required for the RPM to run correctly once it's

# installed on a system?  This has the same format as BuildRequires

Requires: PackageName >= 2.2


# typically, smeserver-PackageName will require PackageName, so you have to have

# the base software installed before you can install the SME Server bits to

# configure it


# What software is required for the RPM to run correctly once it's

# installed on a system?  This has the same format as BuildRequires

Requires: PackageName >= 2.2


# What software is obsolete and will be automatically uninstalled for this

# RPM to run correctly once it's installed on a system?

Obsoletes: PackageName


# The provides tag is used to specify a ‘virtual package’ that the packaged

# software makes available when it is installed. Normally, this tag would

# be used when different packages provide equivalent services.

Provides: PackageName


# This turns off automatic dependency processing that can sometimes

# cause problems

AutoReqProv: no


# The description is a slightly more verbose version of the summary


%name is an implementation of for the SME Server.

This package has been integrated it into the SME Server and provides a

server-manager panel for configuring it.


# The changelog records changes made with each version.  Make sure these

# are in exactly the right format, otherwise the RPM will not build.



* Tue Feb 20 2003 Fred Foonly <>

- [1.0.0-02]

- Added new search widget to server-manager 'foo' panel

- Fixed bar.conf template - no longer fails if 'baz' is uninitialized


* Thu Feb  8 2003 Fred Foonly <>

- [1.0.0-01]

- Original version


# The prep and setup sections describe what to do to prepare the source code

# for building.  For instance, this is where you would apply patches if

# you were using them.




%patch0 -p1


# The build section lists commands to run as part of the build process

# This is where you can use a root/createlinks script to create events and

# action links.



perl createlinks


# The install section lists commands to run during the build phase to

# emulate the steps taken by "make install" in a non-RPM context.  Keep

# in mind that we don't actually want to install the software on our

# development system, we want it installed into our BUILD directory.

# The variable $RPM_BUILD_ROOT is available to us for convenience, to

# refer to the directory rpms/BUILD/yourappname/root (or whatever's set

# in the BuildRoot line near the top of this spec file.



# clean out the build root, to make sure nothing old is hanging around

# in there



# now we generate a file list so we know what's in the RPM; see the

# %files section below for how it's actually used

(cd root   ; /usr/bin/find . -depth -print | /bin/cpio -dump $RPM_BUILD_ROOT)

/bin/rm -f %{name}-%{version}-filelist

/sbin/e-smith/genfilelist $RPM_BUILD_ROOT > %{name}-%{version}-filelist


# This section will help clear out the build root before

# building the RPM




# Now we have to list all the files that are part of our installed RPM

# The %files statement lets us refer to an external file list that we

# just generated, which is easier than trying to list them all by hand


%files -f %{name}-%{version}-filelist


# The following line lets us specify attributes for the files to

# be installed.  Specifically, we can specify the mode (permissions),

# owner, and group.  If we want any of them to default to whatever's

# already in the build root, we can just use a dash.  In most cases,

# you'll want to leave the permissions as they are, but make the files

# owned by user and group root



# The preun section lists commands to run prior to uninstalling the software

# on the SME Server. This may mean things like signalling events or

# running action scripts



# The postun section lists commands to run after uninstalling the software

# on the SME Server. This may mean things like signalling events or

# running action scripts



# The pre section lists commands to run prior to installing the software

# on the e-smith system.  This may mean things like signalling e-smith

# events or running action scripts



# The post section lists commands to run after installing the software

# on the e-smith system. This may mean things like signalling e-smith

# events or running action scripts



Appendix – B: buildrpm script used for building new rpms.



# Usage: ./buildrpm %{name}-%{version}

# Example: ./buildrpm smeserver-package-0.0.1


cd $HOME/rpms/SOURCES && \

   test -d $1 && \

   tar zcvf $1.tar.gz $1


rpmbuild -ba $HOME/rpms/SPECS/$1.spec


Appendix – C: root/creatlinks example script


#!/usr/bin/perl -w


sub safe_symlink {

    my ($from, $to) = @_;

    use File::Basename;

    use File::Path;



    symlink($from, $to) or die "Can't create symlink from $from to $to: $!";



sub panel_link


    my ($function, $panel) = @_;






sub event_link


    my ($action, $event, $level) = @_;







# functions for manager panel



panel_link("yum", "manager");



# actions for yum-update event



event_link("initialize-default-databases", "yum-update", "10");

event_link("conf-yum", "yum-update", "20");

event_link("yum-arch-repository", "yum-update", "30");

event_link("yum-check-repository", "yum-update", "40");