How Do I Volunteer To Help The SME Server / Contribs Community?

Improvements to SME Server and the supporting website come from two sources - commercial contributions and volunteer efforts. Most of the commercial effort comes from the GPL releases of code developed for other products. The bulk of the work in software development, website and knowledge base work and contribution work is done by volunteers like... YOU!

We have an organization that is structured as shown in this link: OrganizationStructure

As you can see, we have three primary officers that are elected by the community to oversee the efforts of our volunteers. You are welcome and encouraged to join us! To join, please review the OrganizationStructure page to consider which area(s) that you think might be a good fit.

If you see a spot that you think may match your interests, simply drop us a line at: volunteers AT (spelled out to foil email/spam harvesting programs).

If you don't see an exact fit, or you have questions about the duties or requirements for the positions, or if you have an idea for your own 'post', drop us a line at the above address and we will be happy to respond to your inquiry!

Please be sure to include your name, the amount of time that you have to volunteer to the project / week, your areas of expertise and contact information when you email us! Thank you for helping SME Server grow!